Tuesday, August 12, 2003

Hi chief rockas!
I am so going to bed right now. I slept exactly 2.5 hours last night.... I am still not convinced that it was worth it.
OK OK It really was! BUT. Unfortunately, although I am on vacation from one job, the 9-5 one still calls. Ahhhhh I am so out of my mind! I am definitely staying in tonight. I have sooo much packing to do. Plus I think I need to save my Liver for Thursday.... I believe the first beverage will be opened around noon time and the last... probably early sometime Friday morning. I mean Come ON! I need a meeting. hahahah No really, for those who know me... I never party anymore. I feel like an old bag. So this week, I am living it up. . . . or I am going to die trying. hahah either one.
So my married man is still breaking my heart. I love him so much... But slowly and surely I am realizing it is a lost cause. It will NEVER WORK OUT. I am only 26... I still have 22 years left to live... So Deathclock.com told me. I will find the "ONE" eventually, Right? I am off for a cat nap and then I need to start packing for the BIG MOVE. I am getting really excited. Tomorrow me and the girls are having girls night at the "NEW HOUSE" and we are going to crack a bottle of Strawberry White Zin and paint paint paint. HAnnah's room is already pretty pink. When she comes home from Maine on Friday she is going to be so happy. I am the best and the coolest mom. (according to my 7 year old)
Talk to you later.


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