Saturday, December 06, 2003


So it is a complete blizzard out there and I have already been in the back yard on the quad. Hannah and I made a snowman. He did not stay together long so I told Hanny that we need to wait until the morning when it is a little more stiff.... I had a very long night last night. We have been trying to shake things up on my web site. Ya know give it a little kick. I have been getting so much shit from people because of my lack of blogging lately. I have not had any time. On one hand I get criticized and on the other hand I am getting yelled at for not blogging. I just can never win.
I know that I have this charasmatic way about writing and it intrigues people..shit it sometimes intrigues me. I have always been one to shock people and to make people fluster when I walk into a room but people seem to forget the fact that when I am "journaling" in my blog, I am in another world. I just spit it out ya know? There is no holding back... nothing stops me. I mean recently yes.. I have sort of edited or blocked alot of things but that is for my own protection in alot of ways. I do publish it on the web but alot of the stuff is very sacred and very personal. You also have to take account that I am also not the only person who blogs on here. 98% of the Blogs are mine, or my poetry or my song lyrics or my favorite songs bla bla bla but I have friends who also like to vent pursae and I like to help them do that. My blogger has been hit over five thousand times and it is so boggling to me. Some people have condemned me for my blogs and called me some harsh names but it is amusing just how many people are actually really interested in what I have to say.
Anyway. I have decided to be myself again and just let it all out. No holds par. I am not going to let people get to me. I don't give a shit what people think. I never ever have so what changed this time. I am just foolish.
Things have been looking up lately. I feel as if a new day has come ... ya know? I am happy. I am getting into the Christmas Spirit big time. I am such a snow bunny. It's funny because this is the "ususal depressing" time for many people and I am the exact opposite. I love the snow, the winter, even the cold. I enjoy sitting outside in a snow storm all bundled up and making snow angels. Hannah and I made them all morning long. I love the blankets of snow on the earth. IT is so cleansing to me. I love looking out the window watching the flakes fall gracefully to the ground. That is relaxing to me. I absolutely feel so refreshed when it snows. I don't even mind being outside cleaning the vehicle off or warming it up. I love the feel of snow on my face and on my tongue. It is definitely arousing. It is a beautiful part of nature. The winter is the most "sanitary" time of year. It sterilizes everything. It cleanses the world. I just cannot stress enough how much that I love winter. Oh and skiing..... COME ON NOW. It is my pleasure. IT is my joy. If I could live on a snow mountain for the rest of my life I would be ecstatic.
Enough of my rambling about my love for the winter time. I am going out with Tony and Dave tonight. I am excited to see Dave again. I have not seen him since ...goddess, it has to be 9 years. WOW. I was sitting with Tony and I made him call him for old times sake and he did and apparently they made plans for tonight.
I went over Tony's house last night and we had dinner and just lay on the couch together and watched the snow fall. It was awesome. His room mates are wicked cool. Their house is awesome! I am trying to talk Tony into letting me decorate a Christmas tree and put some sort of decorations up for the holiday. His roommate Chris brought home some beautiful poinsettias and they look really nice....but they need a tree to wake up to on Christmas Day!
Anyway, I am really loving the fact that Tony and I have reunited. It is like we never left eachother when we are together. I know I am nuts but I seriously do enjoy being with him. We sat on the couch and talked and watched t.v. had some chinese food and just talked. IT was great. I like to do "nothing". It is a comfort thing. I always did feel comfortable with him. I hope this time around, now that we are alot more mature, we don't let it slip away again.
I have a feeling that I am not going to let him get away this time. (Hold on tight Tony...I am tough) you know that already though. hahaha Speaking of that... The shit I used to put him through all those years back and he still put up with me...and he still talks to me now!!! My poor Tony. Well let me just say that the torture was mutual...but we were young and stupid...we didnt know. Anyway, I have to go jump in the shower and get ready... I have to call Tony right now to figure out whats up for tonight. It is a blizzard out and I don't want to drive so we will probably just hang at his house tonight with Dave and play pool and watch t.v. or not.. Who knows. They might want to go out..... I say we just light the fireplace, chill out and hang in.... but I am sure we are going to go out. Whatever we do it is going to be awesome!!!
Talk to everyone soon and please be safe.. It is bad driving out there.


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