Wednesday, December 03, 2003

The previous post was a letter I received in the mail yesterday. I am not sure who it is from but not many people know where my new house is... And the letter was not forwarded from my old house. hmmmmmmmmmm It was not signed so whoever you are, you write beautifully but can you please unmask yourself. It has been driving me nuts all day. Anyway, speaking of nuts, My boss and I had a very long and tedious meeting today. We talked about everything under the sun. He has decided that he wants me at job sites 2-3 days a week and only in the office Mondays and Fridays. Ahhhhhh I am not digging this at all. He told me he would of course cover the gas and give me a car allowance on top of my salary but still....... COME ON!!! So I said I would try it out but I don't like being cold and being on the road. I mean it is alot better than sitting in an office all day long so hmmmm who knows. I may like it. Anyway I had to go outside and smoke a few cigarettes and walk in the yard for awhile to soak it all in.
It's so funny because I was talking to Liz last night and I was telling her that it seems as if ever since I turned 27 that I feel more relaxed and in control. Since my birthday it almost seems as if I have aged mentally. I don't have the urge to go out drinking constantly, I am actually looking forward to sitting in my house more often and remodeling and painting. Especially since it is Christmas time. I have already pulled out the decorations from the attic and attempted to put things out but I changed my colors this year. My living room is painted terracotta so I am going to get Martha Stewart Country on my tree....which means I have to buy some new stuff. Which means .. yeah I pretty much have to buy all new Christmas stuff. I have my frosted glass snowmen which look really cute with the color and I am going to start hanging the wooden shelves. bla bla bla I know you definitely do not want to hear about my ideas for decor. hahah Sorry. Anyway, I am going over Tony's house tonight. I am siked because I have not hung out with him in a long time and it should be so fun. I look forward to our conversations. I am off to go see what's going on outside and have a ciggie with Jax and Peter. I will be back later I think... if I get home from his house early enough.
Talk to you soon....
Ruby xo


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