Sunday, February 29, 2004


What a beautiful day it was today. I decided to make a call and go for a long long motorcycle ride today. It was amazing. I just sat on the back of a Harley and spoke not one word, for 4 hours. It was awesome.
I woke up this morning a little nauseas and dizzy. I figured the fresh air would do me good. It did for a little while. But now I am still queazy and dizzy with a full effect head ache. I think I got the flu Elizabeth had a few days ago. I am just feeling yucky.
After my long bike ride today I am finally getting excited for Daytona on Thursday. My bike has been trailed down supposedly (Not that it will be difficult for me to borrow a bike) and I am excited about seeing my Daytona friends. Liz and I are really looking forward to seeing Orange County Choppers and of course my future husband to be Billy Lane. ha ha (Don't I wish). I need this little vacation. I am deservant of one at this point. It is just going to be girls so it should be very very interesting. I hope I am feeling better before Thursday. The feeling I get when I am on the back of a bike is indescribable. It is just an amazing and intense meditation for me. It is going to be a crazy crazy crazy 4 days.... Definitely enough time to do everyhting I need to do. Alot of my buddies are already up there and I can't wait to meet up with them. Thank God a few of them are picking us up at the airport because I hate the cab ride. Plus Zig has my bike supposedly. He better. ha ha. I am getting PUMPED. My shopping is done and I am almost packed.
I cannot wait.
Anyway, I am off to bed. I am so sick right now. I feel as if this fucking flu/cold I have had just will not go away. It just hibernates for awhile and then jumps right back into the swing of things. It is ridiculous. I am fine for a week and then sick for 2 weeks. CHRISTOPHER!!!!
Talk to everyone tomorrow.
Oh. Peter, thanks for the coffee and the conversation this morning.
Good Night and Blessings,
xo xo


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