Sunday, October 12, 2003

I cannot sleep............ SURPRISE SURPRISE. And eveytime I finally fall asleep I awake with the exact terrifying nightmare. It is of my father and I see him clear as day like he is really in my room sitting on my bed. In my dream (it sounds weird I know) but in my dream I am asleep and my father is at the end of my bed tugging my foot telling me it's time to get up. When I wake inmy dream he looks at me and says "Why do you want to come with me so bad? Why do they keep sending me down here?" and I say "Hi daddy, I don't know what you mean" and he just touches my cheek and fades away and I wake up. ARE YOU KIDDING ME WITH THAT DREAM?? What does that mean? I don't understand. But everyytime I awaken from this nightmare (even though it was not really a scary thing cuz my dad was there) but I wake up and I am soaking wet with sweat. AM I going to die soon? Is that what that means? Is my dad trying to warn me or something? It is seriously freaking out. When I tell you that this has been my dream for like 5 nights in a row.. I am serious. I can still see my father's face. The weird part about that is that a few weeks before my dad died, he aged like 20 years it looked like. Well when he is in my dreams he is young and healthy again and looks fit and strong again. I just don't understand that. I don't know I am rambling and it is 4:56 am and I just want to go to sleep. My eyes are so incredibly heavy and I am starting to feel physically sick. Ahhhh..
Let's try sleep again.



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