Sunday, October 26, 2003


I wish that I was more poetic tonight. I wanted to express my pain and anguish with my own words but could only feel them while listening to another artist's lyrics. I need a muse lately. I don't know where my words have gone. They have simply disintegrated into the unknown and I have no explanation. Last week I was Poetic Justice... This week I am an invalid of speech.
I just feel so much better when I can vent poetically. I love my words. I have no shame in saying that either. I flinch at the very thought that I may have lost it. So here I am waiting in front of my keyboard for an opening... an idea, a feeling. Hmmm Maybe that is what the problem is. I am all feeling'd out??? Quite Possible. I swear, my poetry is like my kin and my air that I breathe. My song lyrics are the same. I can't bear my stumped tongue. I am feeling so un good and so tortured right now. They tell me it happens to everyone... well can it wait a few more weeks??? Please.


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