Monday, October 13, 2003

What a wonderful day!

It is only 7:39 pm and I know I could be jinxing myself by saying this..but Today was awesome from beginning until now.
My handsome man's birthday was today and he surprised me by coming by and taking me on the longest and the best motorcycle ride ever! We just rode and rode and rode...... IT was awesome. Then we stopped and grabbed a bite to eat and then he had to leave quite quickly actually and I never even got a chance to give him his present... :( Oh well he will get it later when he comes back. Business. He doesn't want to admit that it is his birthday and has no intention on celebrating. He seems to think he is getting too old. If anyone has ever seen my man you would say he is a BIG MAN with a baby face. HE is so awesome. He can pick me up with one arm of his. He looks so hot too puling up on his Harley. It makes me crazy....mmmmmmm. Hannah and I spent quality time together too today. IT was fun actually. We played school and then we went for a walk and stopped by Uncle Ziggy's house to see the kids and to see Auntie Renie. She was so excited to see everyone. She had alot of fun. We both did actually. I hate Walmart. Oh my God did I just say that? Me???? No seriously I dropped my 4 cameras off on Friday and they still are not ready. I don't get it! I am pissed. I cannot wait to see these cameras. I am a little bit scared and I am going to make sure I review all photos in private before anyone else gets a hold of them. Goddess only knows what the hell was taken and who the photographers were.
Anyway. My very best friend is on her way home from Vermont and I am so excited. Sickening huh? I was so lost without her this whole weekend. Last night I had such a good time though! Chrissy, Dennis, Stephen, Tracy, Seesta, Tina T, Hootie, Jessie, and Willy were all out raising hell as usual. We had so much fun. Then we met up with Wiggles and I had even more fun... and the rest is history. Oh my God! Then Chrissy yells to her brother drunkenly... "Hey Stephen, KAtie wants to bang you?" and his girlfriend was right there. OH MY GOD! so he says "Well, WHen?" I was mortified.... MORTIFIED. I wanted to kill her. hhhahaha Of course I was in the bathroom later on thanking her. ahhaha . But the night was just a night of non stop laughing and just having real fun. I love when I am with them because they are the most real people ever. They just always have such a good time. And I love Chrissy. Chrissy and I are like identical twins personality speaking. We are the same person. IT is scary sometimes. I got home very very very late last night and had a very special visitor late night.
That's my story and I am sticking to it.
Liz is calling me FINALLY... I have to go fill her in on my weekend and hear all about hers.


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