Saturday, November 01, 2003

I am off to visit Chrissy at the Bar and then I am going to visit B. I need to see him and to make sure I am making the right decision. Everyone is making me feel so guilty about this. But no time is better than now because H is in FLA and I can sort things out without his involvement.
I am going to get my tattoo I think before I go. I have to call and see if Christian is available to do it tonight or tomorrow. LOVE HIM! Love his boss even more!
I miss those boys man!
I am in a seriously bad mood and I need to be inflicted with some sort of pain to take away from the pain in my heart. Sick huh? BUT it works.. It's better than having a drug addiction.. I just get tattooed. ha ha Have a lovely night and definitely do not wait up for me ok?


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