Saturday, November 01, 2003


As I sit in a puddle of sorrow this evening I cannot help but recall something that someone had said to me last night. I was in a bar room and towards the end of the night I am at the bar sitting down and a fight breaks out. These two idiots are approximately 2 feet from me fumbling around on the floor at J.A.'s. This very attractive man turns and holds me back and grabs my drink from my hand just as the two fools turned and back handed him in the face. I was in complete shock because this man did not know who the hell I was and pretty much saved me from getting punched in the face unintentionally. So now I feel really bad and I am touching his beautiful face and asking him if he needs anything and by this time the cops and bouncers are there and they are wrestling the two ass holes to the ground and the place is in mass confusion. He turns to me and introduces himself as "Joe" and I say "Hi Joe, my name is Katie and thank you so much for "protecting" me". He then replied that I would have fell alot harder than he did and he would have probably gone to jail if he witnessed me getting hit. I was flattered so much. So we start talking and I said to him "I am so surprised that you didnt go after them when they hit you. I think that is so impressive and I respect that." He then said well Katie, there is a reason why I did not and I will sum it up short for you. My brother and I were in a bar room drinking for his bachelor party and we were getting a little rowdy and obnoxious and these regulars were making comments. Well long story short they attacked my brother and when I went to break it up my brother was stabbed and now can not walk. 5 nights before his wedding and I have to live with the fact that my brother had to ride down the aisle to meet his bride in a wheel chair." I was absolutely sobbing and I was so saddened by that. It makes you think how stupid people can be and how fast tragedy can happen. I was completely infatuated by this beautiful man and I didnt want to leave in fear that I would never see him again. But I left. I said good bye to him and thanked him and I was driving away I was sobbing. It just really hit me very hard. So hard that I cannot stop thining about this man. I am on a mission tonight to find him. I regret that I did not exchange my number with him. I wish I had. I am so bummed.


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