Tuesday, October 28, 2003


I don't really know where to begin. We have known eachother for how long? Years right? I can remember sitting on the phone for hours upon hours and just talking to eachother and listening to eachother. I remember your one liners and your cocky remarks and how you would constantly make me laugh. I don't know why it has taken me this long to realize that there is so much more to it then this. It is funny because although I have so much going on in my life right now and so much drama consistently, I still find time in my day to wait for you to call me or for me to call you. Just talking to you is a stress relief. I am so serious too. When we talk it is as if nothing else really matters. It bothers me because I don't like to get attached to people ever. I hate it in fact. I like to be a hermit ..locked inside myself. It's funny because people who read this blog...well people who know me very well anyway are surprised at my feelings. They are shocked simply because I don't speak this way or talk about these things on a daily basis. My blogger is so personal to me and it is my freedom. I may seem so expressive or so blatantly honest but I am really shy about how I feel in public. I am a raving bitch.
But anyways what my point is, is that I do care about you and you are very special to me.
The small things you do for me mean the world to me. Every time I read your cards I smile and think just how very lucky I am to have you in my life. I know sometimes I don't express myself as well as I really could in person...but you are a very important part of my life and I love you muchly!
Ruby xo


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