Sunday, October 26, 2003


Dear Joe Z.,
I like you alot. I realize you're in a relationship with someone right now. And I respect that. I just want you to know that if you're ever single in the future and you want to come visit me in Massachusetts, I'd be open to spending time with you and finding out how old you were when you wrote your first song.

Dear Paul H.,
I loved you too much. I used to be attracted to boys who would lie to me and cheat on me and speak solely about themselves. You were plenty self destructive for my taste at the time and I really wish I had left you sooner, but I cannot dwell on the fact that you ruined my life, made me bitter and made me distrust every man I will ever meet. Wishing death on you would be wrong for the simple fact you conceived a beautiful child with me. So I will just live my life in hopes that perhaps some day you will dwindle off of this planet.

Dear Billy,
I Love you muchly. You've been nothing but open hearted and emotionally available and supportive and nurturing and consumately there for me. I kept drawing you in and pushing you away. I remember how beautiful it was to fall asleep on your couch and cry in front of you for the first time and you never cared when I kicked you out of the bed and made you drive me around. You never yelled or got aggravated when I showed up at your doorstep belligerant and sobbing at 4 am. You just took me in and sat next to me until I cried myself to sleep..whether you had company or not.You never lied to me. You were always real. I wish I knew then what I know now.

Dear Wacka
You rocked my world. You have a charasmatic way about you with the women. And you got me seriously thinking about spirituality. You wouldn't let me get away with kicking my own ass. But I could never really feel relaxed and watched the floor around you go and that stopped us from going any further than we did. And it's kind of too bad because we could have had much more fun.

Dear Brian,
I will never stop loving you. I realize we won't be able to talk for some time. And I understand that better than you do yourself. I want you to know that when you do get out and you are of sound mind, I am willing to talk things over. We spent so many years bearing the bad and consoling the good and I love you whole heartedly. What you did for me could never be graciously expressed. I will kill for you. I would do anything for you. You saved my life. You brought me back to life when I had died and You held me in your arms for 32 hours and told me that I was beautiful and you will never let me go. I could never repay you but I want you to comprehend that when I do see you again, I will spend the rest of my days thanking you and trying to make it up to you. I love you Brian. Please come back soon. I am waiting.

Dear Jim,
I just met you and I feel as though you are my lost love. I feel as though I have been going through life searching for you and now I have found you. It pains me to feel this way. It shocks me to hear that you actually feel the same way. It is frightening how similar we are and it bothers me that I cannot pursue this. You are connected with someone else and I could never be a part of that. I will not settle for being number two. I know you have stressed the circumstances and I know you are not hiding me from anyone. I just cannot be a part of something as sacred as a family wreckage. I am not that woman. My home was wrecked ravishly and I could never live with my self. I want you to know you are my soul mate. The nights and days, the bike rides and the friendship. The every single moments I have had with you have brought me nothing but smiles and happiness and I can only hope that you make the right decision. I know your mind has already been made up.... so until then, I sit and wait for you to unlock my door and lie beside me and make it known that I have won.

Dear Ed,
You make me laugh. You make me mad. Only because I know you are right. You comfort me. You always have some punk ass remark and I love you for that. You make me crazy sometimes but then you are the sweetest thing ever imaginable. You always know just what to say. You let me open up to you like I have never before with anyone else. You accept me for who I am and you never judge me. Even though you are a handsome Irish Catholic Boy... you believe in me and you never question or judge my way of life or my beliefs. I could not go a single day without speaking to you atleast 5 times and every time I do hear you I am much happier. You have affected my life dramatically. You have taught me alot. And even though you are a Yankees Fan I still love you and I want you to know that I think someday we will get married just because we have such great debates and arguments. ahahhaa I love ya, ya punk.


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