Monday, October 27, 2003

I have no idea what happened to the ending of the previous blog.. An entire paragraph was deleted and a conversation I was having with someone replaced it.. Whatever.
At any rate.
My man came by a little while ago. We have worked things out. I think that things should be smooth now. I am hoping anyway. I am not quite sure exactly what we are expecting of eachother and I am not quite sure what was actually accomplished. But I do know that I feel better about things. I know that he cares for me and I understand his tumultuous life and although it is very unsettling... I am content for the moment. It seems so friggan condescending when I speak of it quite frankly. I feel as though I am so hypocritical and so.... ahh just so very naive. I am almost 27 years old and I am not going to settle anymore. AM I ready to be committed? Am I ready to start something new again with him. Who knows. I just wish things would just happen ya know. I am tired of trying. I want it to happen effortlessly and it just is not how it happens. I don't really know what else to say about this subject except that I guess I will take it one day at a time and with a ton of salt grains.


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