Sunday, October 26, 2003

I am so off to bed

I have had enough of waiting around for the phone call.. Goddess, now I know how guys feel when I don't call. Sorry boys. I am still a little bit sick. I feel a ton better but still have that sick feeling. I need to go get some sleep. My new job starts tomorrow and I need to be beautiful. I am excited though. I am tired of waiting around for him to call. He obviously does not care as much about me as he said he did. Ahhhh Men! And why do I continuously set myself up for disappointment you might be asking? I WISH I KNEW. I am probably wicked overeacting and making this into a much larger issue. Right? Yeah probably. But I am dramatic and every little thing bothers me and I hate that about me. I like the simple way. If you are not going to make it over when you say you will, call me. How hard is that? I won't even ask questions. The courtesy of the phone call will be plenty. I cannot wait to hear from him tomorrow .. if I even do.. I mean we are supposed to go away in less than a month and ,.... See I am overreacting. I know it. But COME ON. It has been 24 hours since I have even heard his voice. Although I am concerned... I am so frigging heated that I think I should turn off the cell phone tomorrow in hopes I avoid being impulsive and saying things I will definitely regret. Yeah.. thats the plan. Well Good Night all. I am off to start the rest of my life tomorrow and hopefully H will call me and I won't be so angry in the morning. I so hate going to bed sad and angry. It is not good for my skin or my mind. How do I cheer myself up? hmmm I already had my teas.... OH I KNOW.. Hannah and I made Chocolate Chip cookies home made tonight.. mmmmm they should be perfect by now.. Going to splurge.... and then most likely purge. haha
Talk to you all tomorrow.
Love you and Merry Partings


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