Monday, October 27, 2003

Good Evening!
I am finally home. Wow what a day. I am extremely excited to be home relaxing. I worked a long day today. BUT I have to admit I loved every second of my job. I can actually say that I look forward to going in to work tomorrow. The people I work around on a daily basis are great. They are very laid back, down to earth and easy. I am very content with that. There are no bitches there and no jerks. My boss is a babe and so are the Estimators. It was a fun and productive day. I had a good day and it felt great to be up and ready by 7 am. It really makes you feel better about yourself when you are actually needed somewhere ya know? I am interested to see what lies before me in the months ahead. Haaaa I just talked to my babe Anthony! I Love him! He is my favorite boy in the world. You are Soooo bad Anthony. Telling me about something that happened at a restaurant in Framingham. haha Poor "L". Anyway. I still love ya! OH AND BABY... Please switch to ECO instead of the other place. We will match the price and just think I can take you out to lunch and visit you alot!! We can go park the benz and fool around!! hahahahahahahahahahahahnymore.

But she said something that worried me. She was trying to get a hold of Cingular so she could change her cell phone number. That worries me. After seeing how her boyfriend can explode and over-react to even the most trivial things, I'm concerned that if she is trying


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