Wednesday, October 29, 2003

I have been back to work full time for 2 days now and I am already all set. haha I am such a princess huh?
I had a miserable BLOG PARTIALLY DELETED He thinks what he does is funny. So then on top of all of this, I am screaming fighting with him on the phone and he I hear "SMASH, CRASH BOOM" . I stop short....waiting for the cry from HAnnah. But nothing. Come to find out she is hiding under her bed because she has just smashed to smitherines my precious candle jar that was a gift and my favorite decoration that is in my house. SO now I am sobbing in my living room over my knick knack. I go to grab the broom out of the kitchen and just by pure chance I happen to stomp on the LARGEST piece of this glass sconce and put it directly through my foot. YEAH! Yup that's right people... and it just goes on and on and on. So I just simply start hyperventilating, plop myself on my couch and sob in my hands..... As the words "WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY" go through my head over and over again. Hannah finally creeps out horrified and I feel guilty for yelling and she starts to get upset and then realizes I am now laughing hysterically because I sincerely find my life to be funny. So she starts to crack up and then sees the robust piece of glass hanging out of my heel and says "Mommy, Oh my Goddess, you have glass on your piggies" and she starts to cry because I have to admit it was scary looking. So pussy me, cannot get the nerve to wisk the glass out of my heel... I sit and just wait..... Then I finally hear the heavy foot steps and the door opened. He walked into me with mascara all over my face with a sliding glass door in my foot. Thank God he was already on his way over because the glass would have fell asleep with me. He was horrified to pick it out of my foot too. I look back at it now and laugh but it was no joke then man! For those who frequent my house... I saved it for all to see and witness... yeah and the gash in my heel... well it leaves alot to be desired. NASTY. So we are all on the couch now watching Frasier and I gradually tell HIM about the situation with P.H. and I stick it to him gently knowing all too well he hates Paul and would well let's not talk about what I want to talk about...... simmer down Rubes! At any rate, I just like him to be aware of the happenings and the goings on. ANYWAY... "HE" is going away for a few days and He came over to spend the night and talk with me.....cuz we definitely have alot of talking to do! He and Hannah fell asleep on the couch and I nursed my poor foot back to life and it has finally stopped bleeding. Now I am wide awake from the friggan prednisone I have been prescribed and I just want to wake them up so someone will talk to me. ha ha I just cannot win. But before he fell asleep I made sure I gave him a list of presents that I want from where he is going and he just winked at me... so I am sure I will get atleast one... I better. ha ha ha
I am so confused. I don't know what tomorrow is going to bring. 3:30 pm cannot come fast enough for me. I have to work until 5 pm tomorrow and I am dreading every minute of it.... Brian is going to be home tomorrow after 3:30 pm sometime and I am not sure if I should go see him or drive directly off of the Tobin Bridge. I haven't quite made up my mind on that. I am just simply stumped. I am anxious to sip my tea and relax but I know I will not be sleeping at all tonight. One minute I am a married woman and the next I am a single free bird. So I thought. What am I going to do with my life? hahah People must think I am crazy. ESPECIALLY the ones who don't really know me. I mean the ones who do know me definitely understand and know what I am talking about but others.... the fake talk and the "lingo" and scenarios I use in my expressions must throw them all through a loop. hahah IT amuses me because I KNOW how many people read this blogger every day and it must make them insane! They have no idea what is actually going on in my my life and in my mind because every thing is thrown out there in such an odd way that it is not comprehendible except to the people who REALLY know me and REALLY know what is going on.. hahahaha Am I completely confusing you yet? Good.
Time for me to make my rounds and tidy up the mansion and then see if I can possibly wake up the 6'5 275 pund man on my couch right now.. What are my chances? SLIM
Have a lovely night.......


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