Monday, December 08, 2003

HOw to explain my weekend.... hmmmmm I am going to have to go with unexplainable. I had a very good weekend with T.A. and I am getting a little bit nervous. We were like newlyweds all weekend pretty much. We went out Saturday for some dinner and some drinks. We had some great conversations. Then we walked out of the restaurant to the Blizzard of 78'. It was just ridiculous. We went back to his house and watched some t.v. Talked more and more and more and then we slept. I slept so late it was almost embarrasing. I woke up and made meatballs and then cooked him and his roommates some ziti. We ate and watched more tv and just did absolutely nothing. It was an awesome kind of nothing.
I said earlier that I am getting nervous... well let me explain further. Tony and I were boyfriend and girlfriend throughout most of my high school days. We were really compatible and when people have recently asked me why we broke up... I don't really have an answer. In fact when Tony and I discuss that we seem to think that we never did actually break up. Funny huh? Anyway. My point is that it is almost as if we never stopped being together. IT is like we have been together for 10 years when we are with eachother. Atleast that is how I feel about it. We have this amazing chemistry. It is not easy to explain this. I literally fell into him a few weeks ago. I thought for sure that I would never ever see him again. It is funny how fate works because I truly believe that we were meant to be. We just needed to grow up a little and explore our options so to speak. I don't want to jinx it or get too far in my mind about it but I just do not want to ruin it or somehow screw it all up. We both have talked about the future and we both know exactly what we want and I feel as though I will make him completely happy and he already makes me happy.... so I can only imagine. It definitely seems too good to be true but I am not going to believe in that any more. I just want things to work out and remain happy with him. So far so good and I am going to take it one day at a time. Slowly but Surely...ya know? Well I am off to Yoga and I am bumming because I slept on my neck wrong last night and I am in complete agony. My neck is so sore so hopefully I can do an exercise that will release the knot and the tension.
I will blog as soon as I get home.. I have alot more to say but I wanted to keep this blog positive... I will blog the negative in the next.
See ya soon!


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