Monday, February 09, 2004

I have the most painfully quenching ear ache ever voiced in history. I am in complete agony. It started off as a small ringing and a subtle shreik of pain every so often. Now I am keeled over on my chair because the only way it feels relief, is when all of the blood is rushing to my neck and brain. It hurts so much. I wish someone would throw a rock at my head to take the pain away from my ear ache.
Valentine's Day is right around the corner. I love the entire concept of Valentine's Day. The Love that is in the air. I just love the hearts, the kid valentines and all the candy hearts and the conversation hearts are the best.
Especially the new ones. "Beep me", "Text Me", "Call my cell", "2-Way me" and the famous one "Be Mine". Love that.... the bag of hearts Jax got today ..hahah one of them said "Be Ours". I thought that one was cute. Anyway, I am achy today and I have no explanations why. I did absolutely nothing all weekend. I went out to dinner with Tony (make note to ourself: NEVER GO TO BERTUCCI'S in Randolph because the Outback has a 2 hour wait.) THEY SUCK!!! The bartender there was a hee haww donkey. It was actually knid of humorous and I really didnt care because Tony and I had a good time and great conversation.
Anyway, I am so going to the Doctor's for some sort of drug to rid me of the anguish in my ear lobe. I feel like my ear needs to be popped. It hurts sooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wahhhhh Wahhhhh {{{Crying in pain}}}
Talk to you all later on.


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