Wednesday, February 04, 2004

I awoke at 3:30 am to rocks being thrown at my window. Tap, Tap, Tap And I open the window to my 3 wonderful drunken friends....wanting shelter from the rain. hahahahahah
So I said to the idiots (Ziggy,Mike,Jess) Yeah you dumb asses... I told them I refuse to let them in my house and NOOO I am not going egging with them. I told them they were 28,32 and 33 and to GROW UP. I continued to slam my window and All of a sudden I hear "CRACK" yeah the bastards egged my window. So here I am in my Black wife beater and cheekies, running down my front stairs into the front yard and I tackled Ziggy. He was so completely shocked that He almost hit me until he realized it was me. It was pouring rain out and I was so friggan mad that they not only woke me up but smashed an egg off of my bedroom window, but because I had to work at 7 and I was exhausted and now soaking wet. They were all laughing hysterically and I tok the entire box of egs and whipped them at them all and continuously was hitting the truck. Well I think that is right around the time that they got pissed. It is a brand new F350 so yeah I probably should have left the truck alone. I was angry though. I ran up the stairs, leaving them all shocked with their mouths wide open and slammed my front door, locked it, and walked lethargically up my steps, stripped and crawled into my bed. I instantly passed out and was reminded of the episode as I was walking to my car and saw the numerous cracked eggs upon my front lawn. I hope none of my neighbors woke up because the scene they would have saw.... me half naked on my front lawn.
Ziggy called me this morning and told me I would be washing his truck today after I nursed his half black eye and bruised cheek. He said that it looks as if he was jumped or something. Awww poor Zig. Should have thought about that when you were violating me.
I think my psycho scary stalker freak has finally received the hint.
I should probably eat those words now huh?

I am going to go on vicky secrets web site to replace the cheekies I just ruined last night while mud wrestling in the pouring rain..... ahhh don't you just love the visual of that . . . . I like to put smiles on my readers faces once in a while.
Actually the cheekies are actually called Tangas on . Visit the site and feel free to send a few pairs to me for Valentine's day o.k.? Preferably Black or Red.

Have a lovely day!


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