Saturday, January 31, 2004

Wrong side of the bed again... ha ha

Hey Boys! Hey Girls! Hey anybody who will listen to me. In case you havent noticed it's just me against the world today. I fell out of the wrong side of the bed and landed in the worst mood. A stupid Rum Put was screaming at me from across the room. I'm trying to be nice. I'm trying to be reasonable but it is so hard when I don't want to be. If you are looking for that nice girl from the day before. Don't bother. She doesnt live here anymore. It's me against the world so stay out of my way. It's me against the world and the world is definitely winning.
You should have let me stay in bed. I have this pounding in my head. And nothings ok so won't you stay out of my face today? I'm slamming doors, I'm slamming phones. Damn watch out for this temper tantrum. Stay out of my way if not you will be scared away. It's me against the world. What a stupid day. Stay out of my face. The world is winning. I am going to be impossible. I gotta tell you I'm seeing red.


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