Monday, March 08, 2004


Late at night when I close my eyes, I take a deep breath and my mind begins to roam. Although my mind races to alot of things, events or people in my life, I always wonder about this one person who has affected my life in such a strong and positive way. I always reflect upon my memories with him. He once told me that only I can make it happen. He was the one and only person who was actually so mad at me at one time because of the way I visioned life and how I lived it. He threw things at me all of the time that hit so very close to home. I can recall being so angry at him at first. I almost even walked away from our friendship. I used to think he was a cold hearted person when in reality he was the most caring, giving and advising human being I have ever met. I am giggling to myself, thinking of the last time I saw him. My face lit up, his face lit up and all of the grown men around us both were sickened. They still give him heat for that day. He ruined his tough guy image. It is so funny. He and I were inseperable, be it we were together or on the cell phones. The days of wisdom, growth and his "brotherly" ways ended one day. He packed up his stuff and jumped on his Harley and rode to a sunny little place called Jacksonville Florida.
I thought it was the end. Come to find out, it only got better. We talk every now and then now. We speak as if he is still one town away. The phone bills were getting too ridiculously high that we had to pace ourselves. But when I reach Daytona Beach, Florida I am anxious to see my favorite man, my friend, my big "Brother". I want him to know that every night while I lie awake in bed, that I am thinking of him and wondering if he is o.k. Minus, I miss you and I love you with all of my heart. You have changed my life and I want to thank you for that. I see Spanky all of the time and when I see him all I can think about is you. You are a wonderful individual and I will never forget you or stop being your friend . . no matter what. I am dying to see you in a few hours, I can't wait to hug you and hang out with you. See you soon! Spanky, I miss you too, very much!


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