Tuesday, May 25, 2004


As my weekend began to wind down I suddenly realized that I was finally happy. I actually am happy. Truly happy. Brian has done the last dirty deed to me, I met this guy named Jay who happens to be a friend of my old friend Wes, he makes me laugh all of the time and drives me crazy, and if nothing else happens out of it, I have found a best friend. I do not want a relationship, intimate, serious or game. I am not ready or willing and I am glad that he has not given me the impression otherwise. Seriously, Jay, is exactly like me in a 6'6" body. Him and I are going t be the best of friends I think. What started out as a drunkin' night with him and his friends on Wes's birthday night, me and my friends and then calling eachother all week, texting, etc... then hanging out Fri, Sat, Sun . . . . just hanging on the couch, talking and talking and talkng . . . it was really different and fun.
ANYWAY, I love making new friends. He is so adorable to boot so it's not even hard to hang out with him. Tall and handsome. hahah BUT we are ONLY FRIENDS SO CHILL OUT PEANUT GALLERY.
Anyhow, I hate my job, hate my ex, hate my car and want my truck back Wahhhhhhh. I absolutely love my outfit today however. I have a new Hermes bag and matching pumps. LOVE THEM! With my Gwen Stefani pants and "45" shirt. I am smoking today.. Too bad Jay isn't around today to see me dressed instead of lounging in my velours and tank with no make up. . . He'd fall in love... hahah So actually it's a good thing. Seeeee what I mean about a Rollercoaster?


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