Sunday, September 28, 2003

I have never known anyone on the face of this earth with a bigger heart than my close friend, Katie Flannery. She passes herself off as invincible and hard... I know of that all too well. I had the honor of sitting with her as she cried to me and I don't think I will ever be the same. The words that fell out of her mouth between gasping for air, were the wisest words and the most loving words I have ever heard in my life. It was as if she was speaking from a poetry book. She is badly hurting and for all of her friends who know her and love her, please make her aware that she has not done anything wrong. She has been nothing but giving and caring and nurturing to myself and my husband and I know for a fact that she has been the same way to alot of you. SHe is confused, sad, and she is grieving alot of things right now. When I said earlier that I was honored to see her break down in front of me, what I meant was that usually, she is trying to hold everyone else up when they are in need and she barely let's anyone see her stress or her anguish. I fely that she truly must think highly of me because she trusted me enough to cry and trusted me with the sacred stuff within her heart. As I was driving away I was balling and I just wanted to turn around and comfort her more. Who ever the man is whom receives her heart next, is very lucky. She is a treasure and I seriously mean that. Of course she has collected herself because her ass hole ex brought Hannah home and she is fine and smiley now but I know when it is all said and done at the end of the day, she will be crying herself to sleep. KAtie, if you are reading this tonight (sunday) I love you and I will never turn my back on you no matter what. You got me for the rest of my life. And don't ever sweat the small things again. Be true to you... and you only. You are going to find someone who loves you completely soon. I can feel it.
Let's get together soon for some shopping therapy. Newbury St? Burberry? mmmm tasty tasty!
Love ya chick!


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