Wednesday, September 24, 2003


You are a trip Jim. You crack me up with your private posts. Why don't you want everyone to read them. I am sure after they all read my shit that they all could use a laugh. You are a riot. No! I will not come over your house... you are married you fruit cake. And I happen to LOVE your wife. I know u are only kidding. Come by and see the new place with Lisa. Tell her I will wax her brows right. ha ha Poor kid. Hannah is doing well, thanks for asking. She is a little sick today and will be out of school until Friday but other than that she is good. I am glad to hear you talked to Brian today. He told me that you were supportive. You ROCK. I will give you a jingle later on. Tell Lis I said "WHAT UP". I miss you too. Love always, K K K Katie


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