Thursday, September 18, 2003

It's ME......... RUBY

Hi Friends.. We need to start distinguishing who is who when we type. I know who it is but others do not. I am going to get myself in trouble over her. haha All is well. It is beautiful today and the weather is perfect. I took a long walk to nurse myself back to health.
Hannah is still a little sick but she is doing a little better. She was fine enough to go swimming. Who knows right? At any rate, I just wanted to touch base with everyone and let them know I am fine. We are all fine. Just needed some well deserved time away. I have never been so happy. No work, with the ones I love, ... what could be better than that? Oh ... You could throw my HArley over to me. Then it would be Exceptionally Perfect.
Love you all and Be safe
xo Ruby ox


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