Tuesday, September 16, 2003


I have finally come to terms with the fact that I am seriously going to be ok without Stearns!!! I have picked up a fast solution and it seems to be going great. I am happier, less stressed and I feel good when I wake up in the morning. I swear to Goddess, I have never felt so good. I sleep better and I actually quit smoking those nast things called cigarettes. I have been talking to my Yoga chic and she told me my life is in my control and noone elses.
I am concerned however because I have not heard from Mr Paul Haddad, my lovely X and my daughter's dad. He was supposed to come get her on Saturday and never showed so I had to lie to her once again and tell her that Daddy was working late. Working late? hahaha Does he even work? Who knows
At any rate.... I promised myself that I will no longer even bring his name up in her presence unless she asks me. I am not being responsible for setting her up for disappointment. I mean Paul is like Night and Day. For 3 months he is Super Dad and them BAM! He is a ghost. OH WELL. It is my punishment I guess. LIKE I SAID OH FUCKING WAY!!!
I am going to grab a salad at VENUS CAFE!!!!!! LOVE YAS! BYE!


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