Sunday, September 14, 2003

O.K. So I am a mess again. Why is it that when I go on a date with a normal guy I wig out? Freddie took me out tonight. He had asked me a few weeks back to go to the Red Sox with him and I had told him yes. So he picked me up at 6 and we headed into Boston. The game was incredible. The seats were luxury (of course) and it was just fun. I had such a wonderful night with him. He bought me flowers on our way home and then we stopped for some dinner and drinks and he really was such a gentlemen. He then proceeded to drive me home and walked me to my door, kissed me good night and did not even want to come up stairs or anything else. Told me he would call me in the morning. And as I am walking up the stairs to my apartment I am not thinking about him. I am thinking about -THIS PARAGRAPH HAS BEEN BLOCKED FOR VIEWING OF THE PUBLIC**AUTHORIZED ACCESS ONLY-rest of my lifetime. I don't get it. I really don't.
Then there is Wacker. What the fuck is up with him? I met him at -THIS PARAGRAPH HAS BEEN BLOCKED FOR VIEWING TO THE PUBLIC ***AUTHORIZED ACCESS ONLY-Well talk about falling off the face of the earth.... He really did. Who the frig knows where he is. It is just so weird. I really liked that bastard too. He is nothing but a fucker... Just like every last one of you devil like, disgusting, using, drug addict, unloyal men. God I fucking hate all of you. I sincerely do and I mean that from the bottom of my heart.


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