Saturday, September 13, 2003

The following paragraph was taken from "Failure to Communicate" Written by Edward J. Carvalho
You can learn more about him at

This struck a chord with me. It is good to see that men have feelings too.

"Red heads are crazy, just take Susannah for example
I Love you, I hate you, I love you again
Was the only thing that she truly knew for sure
Content to sleep, content to get beat
like a three legged dog
gumming on life with no teeth
She was as stable as nitroglycerine in an epileptic's hand
She'd play with herself and she'd crawl back on her belly
for more things to gnaw on, for another pitch-man
but by then I gave up after I was brushed away
I simply got my head right and fell on the floor bored"

"More and More I'm finding girls to be made from the same sordid cloth
Better off sleeping alone than punching drywall
Been Burned too many times, I'm left cut 'cause I'm soft
Take my heart and rearrange it for one last curtain call"

I have read the book from front to back and I am in the process of reading it again now. I know there are things I am going to re read that I never "Got" so to speak. BUY THIS BOOK. It is real.


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