Monday, September 15, 2003

It's 3 AM I must be Lonely

I can't believe how late it is right now. I am completely wiggin' out but I am so excited about Ruby's Fire. She is almost done. I fixed her and she looks awesome. Hopefully the link will post with my Blog. I don't know. If not the address is It should be up and running in 2 days. Hopefully. THANK YOU KRIS for all your hard work. I love you! This guy is a genius when it comes to this shit. You'd think it was easy looking at it. BUT DEAR GODDESS, It was SO NOT! Here is the link. I am so exhausted and I cannot wait to climb into my huge soft cloud of a bed and shut these big blue eyes. My back is aching and my eyes feel like somebody took a flame and just burned them. I think I am going blind for looking at this computer screen for 7 hours straight. I didnt even eat dinner. All as I have had was my mountain dew and my unlimited supply of Water. I just couldn't stop once it was looking good ya know? I have a lot of links to some close friends of mine. If you like local bands... check out the links to Plaid Daddy and Doubleshot. My Jimmy's site I am sure you all have witnessed. But Ed's is cool too. Anyway, I am going to bed. I have to help Tony with his business books tomorrow. He is so far behind it is sickening. It will take me all day but I will have his books ship shaped and clean as a whistle whrn I am done. It will cost him a pretty penny but he won't go to jail. haha It is so good to be me.
Where have all my cowboys gone? Oh to Jacksonville. That's right. I miss you guys so much mmmmwaaa! Minus.. I love you.
Good night all. I love you too!


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