Thursday, September 18, 2003


So we made it here. Not many people here this week. Surprisingly enough it is peaceful. It is absolutely perfect weather. I shall be back on Friday. Brian will be back on Saturday morning or I will be walking down the aisle alone and then getting on a plane to meet up with him. Either way. . . . Saturday will be the best day of my life. Hopefully he will be there with me but if not.....I know he wanted to be there. At any rate, I am going shopping right now at some of the shops and I am going to go get my hair and nails "did". ha ha I Will fill you in on all of the events in a little while. Ohhh I forgot to tell you. We are not in the initial spot I told you we were going to be. We are in paradise I'll tell ya that. Wait until you see my presents......... I am so spoiled. I am in this absolutely gorgeous "cottage" I guess you would call it. ha I am throwing on my flippers, my big beach hat and I am going to the spa. Have a lovely day. Check back with everyone later.


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