Wednesday, September 17, 2003


As I sit sipping my Large Black tea with honey I feel as though I may die today. My throat is on Fire and my lungs are tight, my throat is itchy... OH MY GOD. MY poor baby was sick on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday and I know she felt as I do now. Now it is my turn to be sick. It is September... EVERY SEPTEMBER I get viciously sick. There is no explanation But DEAR GOD I feel like shit. I feel like my throat is closing in and that I have pins going through my ribs every time I breathe in. My head is heavy, My throat is swollen, It feels like I am stabbing my neck every time I cough or clear my throat. I am going to the Doctor's at 11. Hopefully they will just put me to sleep. I can't take it anymore. Tossing and turning and being restless and sick. I feel like I am suffocating.
At any rate, I called into work and of course.... they begged me to "PLease come in and do just one thing. We don't know how to do it". OF COURSE YOU DON'T you stupid retarded uneducated people. OF COURSE YOU DON'T. You know I should be making 2500.00 a week instead of the 1100.00 I make. I do all of their work. THE REMAINDER OF THIS BLOG HAS BEEN BLOCKED FOR AUTHORIZED ACCESS ONLY


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