Thursday, October 23, 2003

Are you Worthy?

Do you derive joy when someone else succeeds? Do you not play dirty when engaged in competition? Do you have a big intellectual capacity but know that it alone does not
equate wisdom? Do you see everything as an illusion? But enjoy it even though you are not of it?
Are you both masculine and feminine? Politically aware? And don't believe in capital
These are 21 things that I want in a lover. Not necessarily needs but qualities that I prefer.
Do you derive joy from diving in and seeing that loving someone can actually feel like
freedom? Are you funny? à la self-deprecating? Like adventure? And have many formed
opinions? I figure I can describe it since I have a choice in the matter.
These are 21 things I choose to choose in a lover. I'm in no hurry. I could wait forever.
I'm in no rush because I like being solo. There are no worries and certainly no pressure. In the meantime I'll live like there's no tomorrow
Are you uninhibited in bed? More than Five times a week? Up for being experimental?
Are you athletic? Are you thriving in a job that helps your brother? Are you not addicted?
...curious and communicative...


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