Wednesday, October 22, 2003

I am home now... out of the hospital. I gave myself and everyone else a scare but atleast they found out what the problem was finally. I am heavily medicated as of midnight tonight. I am on prednisone and hydrocodone homatr syrup, they have me on 3 inhalers and 2 antibiotics I am finishing from last week. I am afraid to take the prednisone. Chrissy told me it is going to make me gain weight. Whatever.. I need to take it. My body has lost so much weight these past few days that I think I can handle it. I am breathing a little better now and my lungs feel better. My body still aches and I am still exhausted but I should get better. I better, be well for this weekend. IT is going to be an awesome weekend. Hopefully I will be ok. Thank you everyone who heloped me with Hannah and with me. I appreciate it. Lizabeth, I don't know what I would do without you. Eddie, I am sorry for scaring you sweetie. I love you. ...and you are never the new guy!!! ha ha
Jim and Lisa as always you guys Rock! Just hearing you in the waiting room yelling at the doctor(Jim) was worth all the agony. and Lisa telling the nurse where to go and how to get there was an exceptional part of the experience. But thanks for the laughs even though I probably should not have been laughing. haha
Anyway ... enough about me being sick... I am so sick & tired of being sick & tired ya know?
I am getting my new tattoo tomorrow. I cannot wait to get it done. Hopefully I am feeling better because I am not quite sure how my coughing and trying to stay still at the same time is going to work... It may come out a lil' bit crooked. ANd you know how I am with perfection... All my tattoos are perfect. Oh! which reminds me...I have to call Renae because we always get them together so I need to ask her if she wants to go too. Liz and I are going with my friend Eddie.. OH AND GET THIS... My tattoo artist from Randy Adams Tattoo's in Ft. Worth Texas is flying to Boston in November and he has already contacted me and he is bringing his stuff up here to do some ink on me that he has already drawn... I am so wicked excited that I am counting the days, He did almost all of my tattoos and I am siked!!! I thought I was never going to have ink done perfect ever again. I have alot of good friends who are artist such as Christian, Ross (Both from Pins & Needles, North MAin Street Brockton) Love them!!!!! And then there is Rico and Fast Bob from NH who also rock. But still CHAD is #1. I am so extremely siked that he will be here in less than a month. YEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHH. At any rate... I am starting to feel dizzy and probbly should go lay down. Baby Wim and Hannah and Liz are all here and then Liz will eventually slip out to see the O Spank! Woo Hoo.. Ohhh Boyyy ! hahahah Then I will fall asleep ....
Have a lovely night!
P.S. Brian - Thank you for everything you said in the last blog you wrote. And for the record, You mean the world to me and you (and Hannah of course) are the very reason I breathe.
I think that should answer your questions


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