Monday, October 20, 2003

Banish him from your heart

On the 25th of October 2003
Speak these words and who is a black dark soul will be banished

you represent something I can never be (nor want to be, Banish)
you're the only thing to look at
among a thousand ways to see
that thing you said but didn't quite mean
you're of heaven and hell
and nothing in between

the nothings you do, going shred by shred (Shred you out of my life, Banish)
the nothings that I feel
a touch of the dead

two people trading, with nothing left to give
everything surrendered
no life left to live

You feast on decay (THis is the last course with me, Banish)
You won't go away
You hide in the dirt
don't care who you hurt

the wreckage and spoil
the beauty you soil (You will not soil my beauty anymore, Banish)
your chaos and pain
your dirt leaves a stain

what you are, what I ain't, what we could be, or not
can you help me rediscover
the man I once forgot

share your pessimistic view, your misery and sorrow (No tears will fall out of my eyes again, Banish)
leave me dying in the rain
forget about tomorrow

fire, ice, ash and stone, the nothings that prevail (Hail the winds and kiss the dew, Banish)
sickly, fading memories
dirt beneath my fingernail

Hesitant destruction, there are so many ways to die (I will not let you die just far from me, Banish)
bittersweet confessions
there's just one way to say goodbye.

your lies and your dirt
can no longer hurt
deception and theft
I have nothing left

I was addicted to you (I am no longer yearning for your drug, Banish)
until your self shone through
crumble, perish, vapor, rust
everything turns into dust

Hurt me, don't let me feel.

Leave me, don't let me go.

Hold me, don't let it heal.

Hate me, don't let it show.

I'll raise my holly and carve in the sign
I will praise the earth and follow the time
the 25th day of this sacred time of year
I will roam the fields and Feed the souls
I will light a fire and help the sun
I will bury my apples when the time comes
I will await for my wind to blow my candle out
Then I will know this evil force is far far far away
Protect me from all harm
I praise to you and kiss your lips
To enter only the goodness of this earth
My heart will not allow the bad

Madam of the Raven Coven


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