Thursday, October 16, 2003


It is the 7th game and this is going to be a wild one. I should have taken the road trip to NYC with the boys but I decided to stay home and get better. This cold just will not go away. It is awful. I had a great night sleep last night and I intend on having a good one tonight also. I really need to get myself on a better schedule especially if I do take this job. The hours will be earlier than ususal but I get out earlier too. I stayed in the house today and nursed my cold and then Izzabee came over and helped me clean. My place looks so good now. I have been doing alot of Fall cleaning. Getting ready for Christmas. I was going through one of Hannah's toybox's and I was so annoyed. 50% of the toys in the toy box were not even out of the original boxes. I was floored. I could not believe it. I mean the money I spent last Christmas alone on some of this shit and NOT TO MENTION the birthday gifts from April... Some were still in the gift bags. I am so not kidding. So I am either A) going to rewrap them from Santa or B) give them to a shelter. I have a ton of clothes from last winter all top of the line of course that I have set aside for the Single Mother's Shelter and I think I am just going to send a bag of her toys along with it. I like to do that. It makes me feel good about myself. Especially since I was in a shelter like that for some time because of my wonderful ex... and I received help from alot of people and I like knowing how far I have come and I like to help the other battered mothers or even if I can make a child smile. So I just made my decision. Why re wrap when she is never going to play with it. I will give it away. Which reminds me.... Umm Christmas is 2 months a way which means my BIRTHDAY is only 1 month away... Woo Hoo. I call it my Birthmonth. Not day. I get a whole month. All Hallow's Eve is in 14 days... ooooohhhh boy. Chrissy's birthday is in 6 days and I have no idea what I am going to get her. I am wigging out. She always spoils me and I just have to spoil her for once. I have no idea what I am going to do. Maybe take her out to dinner and give her money towards the coach bag she wants. Or whatever... We'll see. When I get to the mall I will figure it out. I know what she likes. She is just like me. We have identical taste. At any rate, it is 8:14pm and the Red Sox game starts in 4 minutes... Ga grab my tea and my blanket and plop myself on the couch and wait for my man to stumble in. haha He said he would be in early! I highly doubt it but then again he is getting old. hahah
Talk to everyone soon.


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