Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Soap Opera Central

That is a great post. Wow
It is so funny how things get so brewed up. I am so sick and tired of this all. I thought it would all end but no, it has not. I remember reading my friend Ed's blogger and how he said he really is going to tone down a bit on what he says because people are walking up to him who he has never met and offering him words of advise and they know everything about him and it was just really freaky to him. At that particular time I had no idea what he meant by that. I myself enjoyed reading his daily entries and I felt like I knew him (www.edwardjcarvalho.com). He is a good friend of mine and I guess it is different when you already know the person. I can actually say that this whole soap opera that is premiering in my life right now very well could be a blessing. If people are appalled now... What the hell are they going to do when my book comes out? Dear Goddess, I am a little bit uneasy now. The things that have been endured by all involved is ridiculous. HE said she said, I said, you said, It is incredible what it can do to a single person. I myself have chosen to continue my blogger but Edit it and Block most things due to the fact that they are intimate things and they are how I feel but most of the people reading them lately are people who just want to hurt me and spread lies and take minor postings and turn them into these recreated stories and fairy tales. I just spoke to a woman who is and is not involved in this drama. I just cannot believe that so many people are getting themselves all worked up over my life. It is a compliment to me in so many ways but it is really making me very uncomfortable. That is why you may see alot of BLOCKED BLOGS. Due to the fact that initially, the site was for people I knew. It is a private site and not public. I made the silly mistake of giving it to a woman who I thought was my friend but was not. And now there is the slander law suit and the deformation of character I am debating, but you know what the sad part is? There is nothing I can really do about it. It is so far out of my hands that it is pathetic. The proof is in the pudding and believe me when I tell you, there is plenty of pudding being served starting today.
I just wish it would all go away. Maybe doing this web site thing was a very bad isea. MAybe I exploited myself in ways I should not have. Maybe this is all of my own fault and noone elses. Rest assured though that my blogs will be very boring to the public eye. And you know whom you can thank for that.
I have to go jump in the shower. I have that second interview at 2 pm today. I cannot wait because the other one went so well. I am meeting with the publisher of my book at 9 am tomorrow morning. HE wants to read what I have so far and give his nod so to speak. I cannot wait for his reaction. Only one other person has read the draft and they had no words for me except "wow" so I took that as a compliment. Wish me well on the interview.
Talk to everyone soon


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