Monday, October 20, 2003

Dream Catcher

Wind is blowing so strong
My window rattles and I am alone
I think someone is crawling through my window
I see a silhouette
But as I reach for it disappears
I try to close my eyes but I am afraid to fall asleep
I am afraid of my dreams.
I am afraid of the illusions my mind acts out through sleep.
It is of me in a movie theatre... I am watching my life
The first scene is always beautiful
A field of sunflowers and I am running through it
I run to the end and there is an orchard
It draws me in every time
Then the theatre turns black
There is no light
The screen just flickers black lines
I cannot see
I cannot get out of my seat.
I am alone but I can hear someone breathing
The breathing gets closer and closer until I can feel it
Feel it on my cheek and on my chest
I can feel him touching me.
I recognize those calloused hands
Dear God please help me
I can hear my hair getting caught on his blisters
I can feel them pulling the strands
His smell sickens me
I hold my breathe to avoid it
I can't speak because Fright has taken that ability away
I want to ask him why
I want to know why he is near me again
How could he live with himself?
I don't understand
He just keeps touching my face
I vividly smell the nicotine and onion that is on his finger
When he touches my lips I get nauseas
His voice was always a whisper.
He would call me Angel Face
He called me Sweet Star
I hate those four words
I cringe at the sound of his voice
He then presses his face to mine
Oh the roughness of him
The whiskers of his beard were like razors
His breath reeked of liquor
he then whispers to me
I will never let you go
I will haunt you forever
I awaken


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