Sunday, October 05, 2003


Good Evening. I am just now able to sit down with a cup of herbal tea and relax in my office and vent, or actually just speak of my weekend. I had an exceptional weekend. As you all know I stayed in Friday night and I traveled to Portland with the club on Saturday morning. It was even better than I expected. I have traveled and was a part of a ton of functions that they hosted but this was the first party that I was an "Old Lady" of a Brother. It was incredible. I met so many people and they had alot of incredible things to say about my man and also a ton of awesome things to say about me. I was welcomed with open arms and I was so spoiled while I was there. Every time I turned around, there was another drink or someone shaking my hand or giving me a hug and giving "him" the thumbs up. I felt right at home. It was awesome. We were going to spend the night in Maine but he decided that it would be best if we followed the bikes home. It was pouring rain by the time we left and My Goddess, these bikers are troopers. It is so fascinating to me. It was a 2 1/2 hour ride home and we finally made it back to the club house around 7 pm. We sat there for awhile and I was just so tired and worn out that I wanted to just go home and have dinner and go to sleep. Well we went home but sleep was not part of the itinerary. We ate, talked, talked, talked, talked, and then we finally got into bed. And then 2 and a half hours later... I believe when I looked at the clock, it was 5:30 am .... I finally fell asleep. So after a day of lounging and watching Lifetime movies I am now in normal stance and am going to finish my cup of tea, mop my kitchen floor, do the dinner dishes and probably vaccuum the living room. I really wanted to get my hardwood floors cleaned but that would be extremely noisy for 11:30 pm. So I will do that tomorrow. I washed my sheets and comforter and they are almost dry and I cannot wait to jump in my big cloud of a bed with fresh linens and fall asleep. At any rate, The negativity has drifted far, far away and I feel so good about all of the positive things in my life. I still have not finished Chapter 7 yet. I know, I know... Friday was the night to do it but I was distracted by some friends who stopped by after the bars closed. It is just never a dull moment. I am off to do some house work but wanted touch base with everyone. Ant, thank you for being my friend. I will always love you.
I am off to be cinderelli so I will talk to everyone tomorrow.
I Love you all
Katie / Ruby


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