Thursday, October 23, 2003


are you still mad i kicked you out of bed?
are you still mad i gave you ultimatums?
are you still mad i compared you to all my forty year old male friends?
are you still mad i shared our problems with everybody?

are you still mad i had a an emotional affair?
are you still mad i tried to mold you into who i wanted you to be?
are you still mad I didn't trust your intentions?
of course you are

are you still mad that i flirted wildly?
are you still mad I had a tendency to mother you?
are you still mad that i had one foot out the door?
are you still mad that we slept together even after we had ended it?
of course you are

are you still mad i wore the pants most of the time?
are you still mad that i seemed to focus only on your potential?
are you still mad that i threw in the towel?
are you still mad that i gave up long before you did?
of course you are
Deal with it.. I am not going to change baby


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