Tuesday, November 18, 2003


Today started off well and hopefully will end well.
I spoke to my man and I was being foolish and paranoid as usual. He was just giving me some time and some space to soak everything up and I am so glad we talked.... And he has a present for me... He got me tickets to see Aerosmith and Kiss The night before Thanksgiving... I am so incredibly siked!!! He spoils me of course and I love it!!! I just love to be spoiled.
My day at work today was boring and I was completely usueless. This trip to Utah for "business" is going to be a well deserved and entertaining break from the office. I hopefully will get some time to ski and maybe some shopping in for Christmas. There is this fabulous Harley Davidson store there and I cannot wait to clean them out. I know alot of people I know that do not have Salt Lake City Harley attire...including myself except for the one tank I got last year when I was visiting. So the meeting I figure will be over around 2 pm ish and my flight will leave for Logan at 8pm and I will have plenty of time to shop and shop and maybe a quick run down a mountain. I am packing my skis just in case I have the urge. I will skip the shopping if thats the case.
I still have a pass from when I was there in March. I believe it is a season pass which I hope since it is only Nov. will still be included. We;ll see. I am sure I can talk them into it. (wink). I feel really good today and I am very confident in tomorrow and every day after. I had a long long talk with Pierre last night and I have decided to just remain positive. I am no longer going to let people bring me down. No more drama! hahaha ANTHONY.. can you believe I am actually saying that? No More Drama... I am starting to sound loke MAry J huh?... But without all of my drama what would you guys have to read all day long while you are supposed to be working? Speaking of working and making money... My birthday is 11 days away... Save up. GAGS... You better buy me something... You owe me something.
I am off ot bed. I have a busy day tomorrow.
Talk to everone soon.


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