Sunday, November 16, 2003


So as my closest friends already know, I had a whirlwind of a weekend which started on Friday evening around 6:20p.m.
The phone call was exactly like this:
I went out shortly after Liz came over to peel me off of my kitchen floor. We got belligerently cocked and had a great night with my friend Jackie and her sister. The shock really did not settle in until Early Saturday morning as I crept up my stairs with the assumption that he would already be in my house and as I turned the door knob, THIS PORTION OF THE BLOG HAS BEEN BLOCKED I am so stupid. Hoss completely broke my heart and if you asked me why I care so much about him... I don't think I could really tell you. So Saturday was a hard day for me. I spent the majority of it in my bed with the curtains closed and Lifetime Movie Network locked on my t.v. I cired, slept, cried again and slept again. I finally ripped myself up and jumped in the shower, put on my sweat suit and decided to go pick up Hannah from my mom's and spend some time with her before she has to go to the other wonderful dick head that I was tortured by's house. Hair in a clip, no make up and just completely sad, I drove the truck to Abington, picked up the boo boo and we went to McDonalds for happy meals. I felt a little bit better now and I then drove her to Stoughton to visit with her "SUPER DAD". Paul was actually civil and asked if I was ok. THe weird part about Paul is that even though he could have been severely hurt or beaten or whatever for what he did to me, I know that if anyone ever hurt me physically, he would kill questions asked. hahha Sad but True. So after driving Hanny to Paul's I head back to Whitman. My phone is ringing and ringing and I am trying hard to ignore it. My depression was taking over me again and I could not wait to hit my bed and go to sleep again. I finally answer my phone and I decided to go see a movie with my 3 sisters and my mother but they were all sold out so we went to D'Ann's and had some appetizers and drinks. It was my mother's birthday so I figured I should go meet them. I had a few beers and was talking to the owner of D'Anns who I have known for a long long time. He made me feel a little better. So I leave and I am heading home and my sister Liz was in my vehicle so I was bringing her home first. We had to drive past "Bethaney's" house (the girl who was killed a few weeks ago) in order for us to get to my mom's. As I was driving by there was this HUGE "memorial" in her yard so I had to stop and go over to it. We ended up inside the house for over an hour talking to her parents. It was so sad. Her mom brought us up in her room and we were reading some things she had in her journal. It was just so sad. Then her kitten jumped up on my lap and I was playing with her and for some strange reason I had an allergic reaction to her and my eyes went blurry and puffy and I was wheazing and needless to say I had to beat feet fast. I drive Lizzy home and I head home to my house and then the Drama part 2 starts. I am pulling down my street and I notice a BIG BLACK TRUCK in front of my house. I am talking to Lizzabee on the 2 way and I realize at this point whom the truck belongs to. SO I tell Liz I will call her back. I am creeping up the stairs to my house trying not to make a sound and I am standing outside of my door listening. All I can hear is things banging and moving around and I could hear someone in my closet. So I turn the knob an I creep inside and there he is. The love of my life tearing apart my house looking for anything to take back. I was like "Hi Mr. Bri, Whatcha doing wacko?" He was caught off guard because he figured I was out for the night and had plenty of time to ravish through my home. But I had no intentions of going out. It was only 10:30 pm and he was shocked. He replied with "I am taking all of my stuff back. You don't want it, you don't need it and I am taking it home". So I just sat on the couch and listened to him running through my house as he made comments here and there about how good he has been to me and how much I hurt him and bla bla bla and He definitely brought up some true and interesting points. So I just kept my mouth shut. I was watching American Choppers and I see him walk out of my kitchen with my WOK.. OK.. My freaking wok in his hand as he heads to his truck. Now I am in hysterics yelling at him "You idiot, you are taking my WOK??? Why are you taking my WOK??? You will never cook with it. So he is now laughing hysterically and still continues to carry all of my belongings to his truck and now my mood has gone from miserable to funny and I am just thinking about the happenings of the weekend and I just start to laugh. Now mind you I am still having this allergic reaction to this cat I was holding, I am sneezing, crying lauging, yelling, and my mind is going in a million directions. So I get off of the couch, go lie in my bed and I start balling my eyes out. I hear Brian coming up the stairs, most likely for the remainder of the stuff, and he walks into my room and sees that I am balling hysterically and he sits next to me on the bed and touches my face and asks why I am crying. THIS PORTION OF THE BLOG HAS BEEN BLOCKED my neck until I was in dream land..... I awoke to noone with me this morning and I was once again very sad. But I know that these two men love me very very much and I know that they care for me, so why am I sitting in my bed all alone and sad again? Well it is time for YOGA. I will be back later.
Talk to you all soon.

And so the Drama continues.......


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