Tuesday, November 04, 2003


Good Evening,
It is almost that time of night to relax with a glass of wine and talk to my two best friends on the phone for an hour or so and bitch to them about my life. I miss being able to bitch about it here but I still have her and him. She knows everything imaginable and more and he does too and he will let me say anything which is great. I have two of the best friends in the entire world. It is such a sweet thing. Liz and I have decided that Me. Her and Jill are the three hotties from The Sweetest thing. We act, talk, and just do everything they do. Jill is so JANE too!! hahaha We loves ya Jilly bear!
Anyway, I am chilling my wine as we speak and I am trying to figure out the outfit for tomorrow in my head. I am going on the road tomorrow so I need to dress accordingly and I am so unsure right now. Although I have chosen not to express my deep down and dirty feelings so to speak on this blog, I will however state that I have also chosen to cut some close ties to me personally. I have made a very large decision that is going to both shock and quite possibly endanger a lot of people but it had to be done. I also have chosen to close myself up to a lot of people. I made the fatal mistake of letting too many people in and I have been advised to change that. So I have taken the advise seriously and I have already begun the process of elimination. Please don't take it offensively because most of the people were and still are important to me and I do care for you. I just have got to do what I have got to do. And I am sorry for shutting you out sharply. I cannot make excuses for my actions and I will not even explain myself... I will just simply fade away.
It is for the good of myself and for you additionally. The tumultuousness of my life and existence is way too severe and I just cannot handle it anymore. So the ties have been cut and I feel a bit relieved. I have a few more snippings of the scissors to do but I am almost complete. I am even contemplating the solo life again. It is going to be tough but for the best.


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