Tuesday, November 04, 2003

It neve seizes to amaze me how a GROWN man can wrap himself up in someone elses life. I am so sick and tired of the whirlwind of drama that has wrapped around me. The aggravation that has surrounded myself and Ruby's Fire is indescribable and too detailed for words. I actually picked up the phone tonight and called the woman who was the pit of it all to call it quits. This is how disgraced I am. I cannot even believe the episode that occured this afternoon. IT JUST WILL NOT END. WHY? A Grown man ran into my Boyfriend this afternoon and rambled on about how I was kicked out of the Odyssey for fighting someone. This is how the whole Ruby's Fire drama started. Rumor has it that I was barred from this bar and that I was pretty much handcuffed by police and I almost fainted. Anyway this ADULT MAN continues to tell my man that I have this dirty and repulsive web site and bla bla bla. So needless to say he was curious and calls me directly after the conversation and asks me what happened. I could not believe how fabricated the story was. I just was completely amazed. WHICH brings me to the "hence" part. THE GOSSIP GAME! Remember Telephone? OH MY GOD! Please spare me from all of this because I have simply had it. It is actually disgusting to me. It is UNREAL. Why are people so involved in my life. I do not invite anyone. I don't even care. If this ADULT GROWN UP MAN was on fire I would not even spit on him let alone care about what is happening in his life. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Like I don't have enough on my own plate right? If you dislike me as much as you make it seem, WHY bother with me or Ruby's Fire? Why waste your time and energy on me? GOD KNOWS I WOULD NEVER WASTE A MILLISECOND ON ANYTHING THAT WOULD INVOLVE YOU. It eats me up inside for the simple fact that I just really want to be left alone by everyone. I don't give a flying flask if I ever meet up with them, see them, speak to them, or hear of their death. I truly will say that. SO WHY CONTINUE TO TRY TO HARRASS ME? GET A LIFE AND STAY OUT OF MINE. I can't even type freely anymore. I have to block my blogs out because people are still breathing who are classless and judgemental and just plain stupid. So I guess in a way I did let these repulsive people win. But I don't care. I am just more cautious and I still type my feelings.. I just cannot post them for the world to see anymore. It's a shame because I know how many people actually enjoyed it on a daily basis and I apologize to these people. I am really sorry. I am sorry for myself and I am sorry that I ever was acquainted with such non open minded and completely judgemental prudes. I truly am. I just truly want to be left alone. I don't bother anyone. I wouldn't even think to. I just want to live my life with no drama and problems. What I would do to move away to another state and start over. I would do anything in the world to do that. It would make my life alot easier to live.
I just cannot wait for that day to come... I can smell it close by...


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