Wednesday, November 05, 2003

So my day has gone from bad to extremely GOOD!! HA HA. I just had the best night. I can't believe how much fun I had and how happy I am right now. My face hurts from smiling so much and my tummy hurts from laughing. WOW.. did I completely do a 360 huh? It is so true when they say "When you are feeling down, go find happy people to hang around". WellI did and I have never felt so incredibly relieved and non-stressed. I am actually going to take a long bath, sip on some wine and go jump in my huge cloud like bed and fall asleep. I think tonight I have found my peace and I have found the right person who I need to surround myself. I am going to finally sleep like a baby and have a good day tomorrow. Finally I feel better. My God, I was depressing myself all over again reading some of this blogger crap. I seriously thought I was going to be in this rut forever. I thought I would never be happy again. I am. And I am so thankful for the happenings tonight. I wish I could say who I was eith and where we were ... but I can't. I am home now with Wim and Hannah waiting for Liz to get home from S's house so I can tell her all about it. Liz and Wim are gonna sleep over and I am literally dying for her to come home. I think I have found a great thing. ..... I really, really do.
My tub is running and I need to jump in there. Talk to everyone soon.
Good Night ... Sweet Dreams . . . then Good Day!~


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