Thursday, January 08, 2004


Hi Ziggy,
How are you baby cakes. Yeah Brian and I had a talk the other night when he dumped the snakes on me but whatever. We chose to take a break and the break has lasted almost a year or more so I highly doubt that we are going to ever work things out. As far as my "personal" life goes...that is what it is...personal. I don't talk about these things on the computer anymore for the simple fact alot of people were getting the wrong impression of love and thought exerpts or such were for them or written for them when in reality they were not. You already know whom all of my poems, songs or "rants" are written for and yet many people thought it was for them good or bad. So now I try to label them or I just leave it blank and I will not post intimate details. It is too distinguishing... Like I said you and the person it is about knows it is for them so . . . . . That is pretty much as personal as it will ever get again. I have to lock some of my blogs from public access.....only people with the passwords can truly read what is on my mind. It is sad but safe. Brian and I have decided to stay friends. Last night was hard for both of us but we had to do the right thing and I do not feel bad or guilty. It is over now. We will forever be best friends. I am grateful for that alone.
Anyway Ziggster, You are my brother always. I love you and your family very very much. I hope someday we will all be close again but for now it is not in the cards and it is not in my aura. Understand that and juist deal with it as Brian is. Brian is a good man and was great to Hannah and I. We love him very much and I am thankful that I had him in my life for 4 years. But....... that was in the past and it shall stay there. I am still a little moody and sick. Last night was a miserable night for me but I got through it and I am better now. Things are going to go smoothly and good from this day forward. I just know it.
Love ya Zig and I hope you continue to stay in touch.
Katie K


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