Thursday, February 19, 2004

CAPE COD, DAYTONA, What a life I have huh?? 14 days and counting

I had a long talk with my friend Eddie B last night. I think we talked for like 128 minutes or something. We talked about EVERYTHING. It's funny because I woke up this morning and I felt alot better. He was always concerned about coming to meet me out because of my Outlaw Boyfriend ans bla bla bla and he voiced it to me last night. We talked at lengths about the choices I have made in the past few years and he had alot of interesting analagies and alot of great advice and I love him for that. He is such a good person and I am grateful that we continue to stay friends even after all of our bitch sessions and fights. (HE can't stay away from me for too long without KAtie withdrawals) hahahah ANYHOW . . . I feel good today.
Tony sent me an email last night and I thought long and hard about it. I nam still a little concerned that he is way too insecure to handle me but I love him and I want to see what happens. I am not one to take insecurities well. I am a strong personality type. 94% of my friends are male and I don't want any problems with that. I know he doesnt think anything will happen but deep down he feels something. Any way, I am going to the cape tonight with Hannah and a few friends and their kids. We go every year. It is an in the ground pool with this pirate ship and tons of water slides. It's in the hotel we stay at. It rocks and the kids never talk to us until it's time for bed. NICE HUH?? Yup, that's right folks, I am doing the motherly thing tonight. I guess we are coming home Saturday so I am excited. IT really is relaxing. I get my nails done and my pedicure and then sit in the jacuzzi with a book. Ahhhhhh So nice. I am excited.
Anyway, I am meeting the brothers in the office today. Uh Oh gotta be there at noon. I am helping the two computer illiterate wackadoos install and tutor them on the new construction accounting software they just purchased. They need to know exactly how to use it before the 1st of MArch because that is Daytona Bike Week and they wont be there to deal with the money. Which makes me wonder hmmmm who is going to be there. NOT ME . . . I am going to Daytona too. March 4-7 2004. Ahhhhh Sunny Florida and all of those choppers and bikes and all of the fun fun fun in the sun sun sun. What can be better than that really?? And this is the first time that I am going with just the girls and no Biker babysitters. Thank Goodness. I am sure I will see them up there. Ziggy is trailing the sporty down for me and I am siked about that. I cannot wait to see them as I am pulling up on my bike with "Independent" bikers and chics. ahahah It is going to be such a good feeling. I am so excited for 2 weeks from today woo hoo.
No boys... All girlies wild, crazy and having a blast.
Oh shit which reminds me. I need to get my leather pants and tank out of the cleaners soon.
And can you say shopping spree???? Well I need summery clothes for Daytona.
Alright Zig is gonna kill me if I do not get there by noon.
So Adios Amigos.


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