Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Have I ever mentioned anything about Wacka in my blogs? I don't think I have. {{{SIGH}}} . . . . Wacka. How do I explain this man. His name is Paul and I will leave his last name for imagination and of course for confidentiality reasons. Let's see.... Where do I begin?? Wacka is a nick name that I call him. It is a relation to his last name. Actually Weed Wacker is a definite relation but I prefer Wacka or "Baby". That is what I refer to him as. At any rate . . .ha ha ha I cannot even believe my night. Let me start from the beginning... Well actually let me start from the VERY VERY beginning.
I was in Home Depot about a year and a 1/2 ago. I was picking out paint for my living room in Rockland. I must have looked at the same swatches for about 45 minutes. I was frustrated and undecisive. I kept feeling eyes on me. Do you know that feeling. I kept turning to see but there was nothing. Finally the last time I turned, it was him. My baby, but I did not now him yet of course. He walked slowly, confident and masculine, over to me. He said "Hey, how are you? How do I know you? Your face is so familiar to me?" And I said "I Don't know. I have a twin sister" He replied with "No. It is you. I remember those eyes and lips." I was blushing and my heart was pitter pattering. I will never forget this as long as I live actually. We talked in the paint aisle for a good 20 minutes and he finally pointed to a color (Terracotta Sunrise) and said "That is the color you want". I laughed at him and we said our good byes and he left. I bought that color and my living room is painted that same color even in my Whitman house. Anyway. A few weeks went by and we never exchanged numbers or anything. Liz and a few other friends and I were out on a random night for no apparent reason. I was in my sweats. I had no make up on really and my hair was whipped up in a clip. We were at KAm's Garden and we were just gettiing ready to fly when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and saw his face and knew and so did the butterflies in my belly. It was so weird. His smile lit the room up and he said "Hey Girl, Do you remember me?" I said "Of course I do, Paul from Home Depot". He smiled and then asked where I was going. I told him I was going home and he insisted I stay awhile and talk to him. One thing led to another and I ended up driving him home. We sat out in front of his house for an hour and a half that night just talkiing and talking and nothing else. HE kissed me softly on the lips and then kissed my nose (LOVE THAT) and said Good night. We exchanged numbers and he went inside. I literally drove home with butterflies flopping all around. At any rate, Wacka and I had an understanding. Me, not wanting a commited relationship because of fear and him not wanting one because of him being recently divorced. We both agreed that we were attracted, compatible and cared for eachother but we knew that we both had our own lives and did what we wanted. Anyway.. to make a very large 2 years of a long story short, we continued to have our little meetings. We always had eachother at night to cuddle with or whatever with. The way he held me and touched me is beyond explanation. He touched me the way that I have begged to be touched for years. He held me the exact way he was supposed to. He dried my face when I cried to him late at night. He held my hair and rubbed my back after a late night of partying. He watched me sleep and kissed my cheek when he thought I didn't know. He tickled my cheek until I fell asleep and was there to kiss my eyes when I woke up. He would wake me up when he had to get up for work just for a loast feel or for a long kiss and embrace. His eyes were always focused on mine and he never flinched for a minute. Our silent glances and our "silent" conversations were heard loud and clear. We knew how we felt for eachother. We knew that this was something more than what we planned on. We just never ever said it aloud. When he thought I was asleep and I really was trying to but couldnt, the things he did to me used to bring a happy tear to my eye. The way he looked at me as I walked in a room or jumped into his bed is just extrordinary. When we didnt see eachother for a week or two, it was even more passionate and intimate. His familiar words "Hey Girl, HOw you doin?, I've missed you." I would jump into his arms and say "I missed you too Baby" and he would reply with "You're funny". I love his lingo and his lines. I love his scent and his touch. I used to lie down in my bed after being with him all night and remember smelling his Obsession for Men all over me and wishing he was home from work already, creeping into my bed still smelling of work and just holding me, telling me all about his day at work.
I went to the mall with Liz and of course spent an arm and a leg but then we decided to swing by Squires for some apps. We ran into a few guys who bought us some drinks . . .no big deal. This guy sees the sweatshirt I am wearing. IT is a Teamsters Local 25 sweatshirt. (WACKA'S OF COURSE). HE says what does your boyfriend work in 25? I said Now I wouldn't call him my boyfriend. I said a good friend of mine works in 25. He was like "yeah? who?" I said Paul's name and they were like OH I LOVE THAT GUY, he is so funny. we work with him bla bla bla. So of course I dial him up right away and he answers the phone exactly like this "Hey Girl, How u doin?" I wass like BABY Where r u???? And he told me and then I tell him about these guys. The phone gets passed all around and then finally i got it back and heard "You're funny girl". I was so happy to hear from him. Just so happy. I filled him in on my latest drama. He told me to meet up with him this week when he gets back and that he has something for me. I told him it was a promise and I would see him later. . . . . . . . . . .
At any rate, there is my door right now. I have to fly.
Have a lovely night.
I love you all


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