Tuesday, February 17, 2004


Once upon a time their was this ruggedly handsome and sexy prince. Who thought he was in love with a beautiful princess. They too were together for a long time and had decided to get married so they could do what seemed like the normal thing to do when two people think they are in love. Well things had'nt felt right for a long time and the relationship was far from smooth. But why waste the time they had already invested in one another. They had managed to work things out for this long so what the hell. BULLSHIT! ........( I'm having flashbacks) So one day the prince woke up and thought to himself, this can't happen and decided to talk to the princess about it. It turned out the princess was feeling the same apprehension the prince was and they decided that it would be best not to continue thier relationship. The prince was crushed at his own decision but could not put his finger on why! Well as time went by he learned to deal with his heartbreak and discovered new revelations about himself and the world around him. He moved own and became a better person from his grief and took on a whole different perspective with progressing in life. He decided that self awareness and developing a new approach to everyday life would be a priority and until he felt he had conquered his personal quest he would not burden someone else with that task to help discover him as an individual. The prince today is the daylight of yesteryears darkness. He is an individual who is aware of he who he is and can stand alone in the face of adversity. The princess meanwhile had the opposite affect. She started to regress and eventually settled in an act of almost desperation to seek happiness through the eyes of another. The prince and princess to this day are still friendly chatters but to some degree the prince senses regret from the princess only as a result of her circumstances. Time is a great teacher and healer. The ones that understand that and learn to conquer lifes obstacles are the ones that will truly succeed.
I got way to much time on my hands!........Hows that for a sappy philosophical story. Though it may be true , she was a milestone in my life and I would guarentee that I would not be who I am without her. At the time I thought she made me happy, and she thought she would be happier alone. Well at first things did seem that way but eventually it turned out to be the complete opposite. I was a complete freakin mess when we were through. I guess the bottom line is neither of us knew who we were and trying to discover that through each other........well we know what the outcome was. Her and I actually talked about this before I got married and it was great. I don't even think this is a case of learning from your mistakes........it is hard to call it a mistake when you don't even know who you are or what you want! I think we catagorized it as a learning experience! She's a sweet girl and unfortunately still a little off track with who she is. She so wants to have the perfect family and unfortunately she has only obtained half of that. She has the kid but has'nt bagged the man. ( and the kid was planned ).
Coincidently I developed a mostly sexual relationship with another woman after this one. We were friends prior to are escapades and still are to this day, but let me give ya a piece of advice.........you can't transform that type of relationship into anything else for the simple reason that it is much easier to be sexually compatable with someone than it is to be compatable in love and quite frankly you two have been at for long enough and it has'nt happened yet! Relationships do not need to ferment like a wine to be good!
But get as many free dinners and widdle his tool down until it does'nt work anymore!

O.K. its 7:00 am now..........philosphy 101 has ended. By the way what is this shit about, and still no pictures! 25% of me wishes I was single ( of course that is the part my penis is in). Dimensia is setting in. We'll chat later.




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