Monday, February 16, 2004

Sometimes my friends vent to a blog that is linked to this one. You cannot see the blogs unless you are an authorized user but I really wanted to post this one from a close friend of mine. I wanted people to see that other people in thos world have problems and ask me for help ALOT!! Like I am a miracle Worker. At any rate, the following post is posted on Ruby's Fire Family Blog. These people who use and view this blog, pay a fee and are not viewable from my web site.
Here goes:

I went out with K and Liz and all of the other chics. We were all drinking and having fun when I saw him walk through the door. Andy Andy Andy. Fucking Prick hasn't called me in like 3 weeks. We had such a great time at K's house a few weeks back and then again at the Flannery Thanksgiving. My sister kept warning me. Telling me he was no good. She kept telling me he is a dirty dog. But he was so handsome and so affectonate. He asked me out and we went to dinner and then had drinks after. We always saw eachother on Wednesday Nights usually because of TRIVIA NIGHT but he had come in one Thursday and was looking for K. He was out smoking a cigarette and kept talking about K,K K. He then asked me out. Anyway, we go out, have drinks, he gives me the whole speel on how he is looking to settle down and not into playing games bla bla bla (as K would say) So we start kissing and one thing leads to another and well you know. He spends the night. He holds me, cuddles, kisses and just lies there with me. It was fantastic. He called me 3 hours after he left. He had his kids all day and I had the baby anyway.
He wanted to make plans for the night with me. He said he would call me back when his kids go hime. I waited and waited... blew off my plans and everything. Then 3 weeks go by and here he is sitting at our table like it is no big deal. Whatever. Anyway. Everyone jumps in his big black Excursion and we all just drive and drive for no apparent reason. All I can still here in my head is Him and K screaming "We're cocky, and you all say what, it aint bragging mutha fucka if you back it up" my GOD if they aren't meant to be together. I always notice that when they are together they are like the married couple. K always sits in the front. Why the fuck was I not in the front? I am bangin him. (I am such a classy broad). She is forever next to him and sitting with him or riding next to him in the car. I am not mad so don't mis screw things here. They are just very very good friends. The kind of friends that they can lie next to eachother in bed naked and nothing ever would happen. I guess it is my jealousy of their "friendship". K always gets the good friendships. Ok So I am very jealous. Anyway I just wish could have talked to him alone without everyone else there.
I am aggravated and frustrated and completely torn. I really like him alot. I thouhgt he could have been it.
I hate men! - Ruby Wannabee HAHHAAAHHAA


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