Thursday, February 12, 2004


One of my daily readers emailed me early this morning with the following remarks to some of my recent blogs:

Posted to 2004-02-12 05:26:32 am EST
Posted by: *#&@(#)$*))___(___( @

"Katie, Ruby, Do you even know who you are? Which one is it? Katie or Ruby? Forgive me if I seem harsh right now but I am seriously confused. I have noticed in your blogs that you are seeking happiness and true and undying love yet you do nothing but bitch and complain about how unhappy you are and miserable. Do you think that maybe if you were a little more optimistic and positive that better things would happen? You want love so badly YET you walk away, shut down, build a wall, and push it away as soon as it comes remotely close to you. Why do you constantly do that? You have these men who grovel and beg at your feet and you kick them all in the gut. What makes you think for a second that you are worth any of it? Did you ever think to maybe send a gift to them or maybe send them a nice card just to let them know you are thinking of them? Did it ever occur to you that whoever it is you might be involved with just might be having a terrible day like you? Do you even care? Is it that you don't know how to love and be affectionate or is it because you do not want to be? I am sorry but you couldn't possibly have been hurt that much for you at your age to completely turn the love off. I don't get it. It seems to me that you live 2 different lives. Ruby's and Katie's. You need to pick one before you really fail in all that you want to do. Are you really up for living your life without any companionship because you chase everything real and loving away from you? Are you really this cold and shallow? Can you live with the unloving and unaffectionate life that you lead? What values are you teaching your daughter? I would say the wrong ones and I am sure every reader agrees.
You need to realize alot of things. I am not saying this to be mean or harsh. I think you need to know what the people outside looking in think. And I think you are in for a lifetime of misery if you don't knock that wall down girl.
Respectfully, A loyal and honest reader"

I really don't know what to say. My mind is going in a million directions right now. I do have to say that I must have a heart because It doesn't feel so good after reading that. I just stopped crying a few minutes ago and I think it is seriously time for me to go away for a while. I need to heal...... alone.
I have no response to this. My heart is still in my stomach right now.
My Goddess I hope this is not true and how people really see me. I am so sick right now.


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