Wednesday, February 11, 2004

SO my ear is still aching. I am going to Felicia tonight to see if she can give me a remedy. At any rate, I met with that guy today at 1 pm to talk salary and benefit packages. Sounds like it is a great oppurtunity for me but I have a few things to research on the 401 K and medical. I also want to research this business. They pay well but some things strike me as a bit shady. I mean I am a good accountant, I am very good at what I do now but I am not going to jail for a shady guy. The pay is well and the benefits seem remarkable....... just don't want to get involved with any "waste management" companies if you catch my drift. This is what this seems to be. I have already been there and done that so .... We'll see. If not, I will just take a brief vacation, collect unemployment for a few and relax....which is what i really should do anyway. I need that. But you all know me.... On the Go Katie. Never stop for water or anything. I just have to always be running or busy or rushing. WHYYYYY????? I am getting excited for Valentine's Day. All the girls in the office have a competition thing going. Who gets the best bouquet, the best gift, etc..... I have a good feeling that I am going to win this one. We'll see on Friday. Between you and me.. The guy I am seeing is alot classier and how do I say this without being mean... ummm alot more financially stable I guess... My man is better ha ha ha ha ha ha PERIOD!!!
OK enough of me being a spoiled high maintenance brat.
Liz has me worried about her. I am getting myself worried actually for her because She missed a very important court date with psycho path Paul Vaudry and now he is amending the restraining order which worries me for her safety and the baby's.
I am frustrated with the entire court system..... SHIT which reminds me ..... I have to go to Court tomorrow morning for my speeding ticket. DAMN!!!Thank Goddess I remembered. I need to make sure my power cleavage shirt is clean.... that shirt works wonders on judges and police men.... speaking of "waste management" companies. . . I was always in that shirt. Liz calls it my I am woman hear me roar and get WHATEVER i WANT SHIRT. HAHAHAH
So my web site is annoying me. I tried to add new pictures on the pictures page but to no avail. It looked terrible and had to reset the entire site. It is so frustrating to me. I can't afford to keep paying these people to update the site so I am left on my own and that is just not my knack. I want to make a bunch of changes to the site and I just don't know how to do it.
Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch . . . . . . . . . Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch.... . . . . . . .
Don't you all wish you could just say SHUT UP KATIE...
hahahhahaha YOU CAN'T Ne Ne Ne Na Na Na Na


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